Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Some changes but the same...make sense????

Well it's been awhile since I've blogged. I guess a lot has been going on but it's still the same. If that doesn't make sense keep reading;)Life has been cruising by and I feel like sometimes I need to yell STOP!! It's already Aug which means that summer is almost over:( Max is now 3 and I think it is safe to say he is potty trained!!!!! I have been working very hard to get to this point and it's so true when people say "he will go when he's ready" and yup that is the truth!! It literally clicked over night with him and I couldn't be happier. I tried everything under the sun...potty chart, bribes, candy, shopping, peeing at Cheerios and foaming hand soap. None of that worked until he was ready. I really never thought I'd spend so much time talking about urine but I am one proud momma!! ok no more potty talk:)
I have started working 1 day a week at a vision center and I LOVE it! Gives me a chance to get out of the house and make a lil money. I work on Fridays which is just amazing since Willie is off we don't have to worry about child care and Max gets some QT in with Dada:) Now even tho I work 1 day a week I still consider myself a stay at home momma. I get the best of both worlds! I sell Tastefully Simple as well which is such a fun "job" too!
So I guess what I'm saying is life is still the same in the fact that I am still desperately in love with my boys but it's changing as Max is growing and continuing to be such an amazing kid and then the normal life changes which are all very good thing<3
I have a very dear friend named Erica who is pregnant with her 2nd son who will be named Kole:) He is due to make his arrival in October and since I wasn't around when her 4 year old son Chase was born I decided I wanted to throw her a sprinkle! (even if I had been around back then I still would do this because 1. I love love love to throw a party and 2. Kole deserves a few new things) I am realizing that alot of people aren't familiar with "Sprinkles" so let me explain...the guest list much smaller then a Shower and no BIG items are bought. Just bibs, bottles, clothes, those type of things...this baby deserves an few new things too! Plus we are celebrating a life!!! The nursery is going to be a "woodland" theme so I am taking that and running with it!!!!! I LOVE themes lol I am loving it!!! I will continue to update as I make things for this sprinkle:) I have so many ideas!!!!