Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Some changes but the same...make sense????

Well it's been awhile since I've blogged. I guess a lot has been going on but it's still the same. If that doesn't make sense keep reading;)Life has been cruising by and I feel like sometimes I need to yell STOP!! It's already Aug which means that summer is almost over:( Max is now 3 and I think it is safe to say he is potty trained!!!!! I have been working very hard to get to this point and it's so true when people say "he will go when he's ready" and yup that is the truth!! It literally clicked over night with him and I couldn't be happier. I tried everything under the sun...potty chart, bribes, candy, shopping, peeing at Cheerios and foaming hand soap. None of that worked until he was ready. I really never thought I'd spend so much time talking about urine but I am one proud momma!! ok no more potty talk:)
I have started working 1 day a week at a vision center and I LOVE it! Gives me a chance to get out of the house and make a lil money. I work on Fridays which is just amazing since Willie is off we don't have to worry about child care and Max gets some QT in with Dada:) Now even tho I work 1 day a week I still consider myself a stay at home momma. I get the best of both worlds! I sell Tastefully Simple as well which is such a fun "job" too!
So I guess what I'm saying is life is still the same in the fact that I am still desperately in love with my boys but it's changing as Max is growing and continuing to be such an amazing kid and then the normal life changes which are all very good thing<3
I have a very dear friend named Erica who is pregnant with her 2nd son who will be named Kole:) He is due to make his arrival in October and since I wasn't around when her 4 year old son Chase was born I decided I wanted to throw her a sprinkle! (even if I had been around back then I still would do this because 1. I love love love to throw a party and 2. Kole deserves a few new things) I am realizing that alot of people aren't familiar with "Sprinkles" so let me explain...the guest list much smaller then a Shower and no BIG items are bought. Just bibs, bottles, clothes, those type of things...this baby deserves an few new things too! Plus we are celebrating a life!!! The nursery is going to be a "woodland" theme so I am taking that and running with it!!!!! I LOVE themes lol I am loving it!!! I will continue to update as I make things for this sprinkle:) I have so many ideas!!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The best way to the heart is through the....

Lets talk FOOD!!! Cooking takes me to a happy place. I could honestly sit and look at cookbooks or recipes online or food blogs for hours. It's becoming a bit of an obsession. I don't think I'm the best cook or the worst for that matter but I do know that cooking for my family makes me happy. I love to feed people, it fills my heart to fill their tummies! In my family we have family dinner every tues night. It's usually us, my parents and bro and sister in law. We try different recipes out on each other and it's so fun to get every one's input...even tho we all love food so it's highly unlikely that we wouldn't all like it and devour it! We aren't very good food critics lol There is nothing better then a family sitting down together over a home cooked meal and just enjoying each other's company talking and laughing:)
I think it's important to eat as a family. Most week nights we are eating together. I'm not judging people who don't but for us it's important. I know lots of people who don't ever use their tables to sit and eat and that's kinda a shame. Even tho nowadays Max doesn't usually sit thru the whole meal and rarely eats everything on his plate but I know that he'll remember these dinners. He'll come around eventually:) I can remember as a child when my Dad worked some odd ball shift and he was going into work not long after we got home from school we would have dinner early so we could eat with him. It was important to my parents and I still remember that.
I guess what I'm saying is even if the foods not the greatest it's about being a family. That is my #1 priority in life. So even if we aren't blood related I hope that if you sit at my dining room table and I cook for you I hope that you feel like family!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

setting goals or facing fears??

I like so many other women am VERY hard on myself. When I make a stupid mistakes like forgetting to pay a bill and then having to pay an extra $15 in late fees it really chaps me. Or going to the grocery store and getting everything on my mile long list except the MAIN thing we need, like toilet paper. So when I started weight watchers a week ago I promised myself that I would not be so mean to me and if I slipped up and ate bad well that happened and deal with it and move on. and you know what?? it hasn't worked!! I think I'm even harder on myself now because I have to record it and actually type it out and that makes me feel even worse!! but thats the whole point of recording everything you eat, you are more conscious of what you put in your mouth. So I have 2 goals for the near future...1. eat better so I don't have the "type" of shame and 2. STOP BEING SO HARD ON MY SELF!!! now these are just my immediate future goals and I don't know if I am ready to type out all my goals, I think that not only would it take all afternoon but I don't think I'm quite ready to face some of them. I'm only talking about goals within myself...not financial goals (I have those too!) but goals to either change or improve myself. Maybe they are more like  fears then goals. or is that the same thing?? If you aren't afraid of it then you wouldn't have to set a goal to achieve it right??

where we will start

On a cold January night in 2011 I promised myself I would be in bed before midnight. So in keeping with my normal trend of NOT keeping promises to myself I decide that at 11:30pm I would start a blog. I sat looking at the screen trying to figure out what my hook or my "thing" is that would set me apart from any other Mom bloggers but in doing that I realized that I have nothing...I'm not anything but ordinary....I'm EXTRA ordinary in fact. and I am definitely ok with that. I am lucky enough to have 2 yes TWO loves of my life. My 1st being my soul mate/bff/lover/baby daddy/hubbs...Willie. and the 2nd my lil buddy/sidekick/personal comedian/shadow/son...Max. age 2 1/2. Within those 2 adorable human beings lies my heart and soul. There is nowhere in the world I would rather be when I'm sitting on the couch cuddled up holding my loves. Ok so you get the fact that I'm mildly obsessed with these 2 boys. So onto other things....
Now I guess I need to have a great reason to make you want to come back day after day or week after week to read what I have to write. Well I can say that I am not out changing the world...only diapers. I wish I could help inspire people to change their lives, eat better or work out harder but I'm still on that journey myself. So I can offer this...I am an ordinary stay at home mom that has jammies with holes in them and a comfy robe on and I'm ok with that! I love my life and the people in it and of course there are lots of things I would love to change (and I am working on it) but when you get right down to the core of who I am I am happy with myself. I just want to offer my funny and sad life stories, my hits and flops with recipes, and all the wonderful mommy moments that I get to experiance every day of my stay at home mommy life:)