Wednesday, January 19, 2011

setting goals or facing fears??

I like so many other women am VERY hard on myself. When I make a stupid mistakes like forgetting to pay a bill and then having to pay an extra $15 in late fees it really chaps me. Or going to the grocery store and getting everything on my mile long list except the MAIN thing we need, like toilet paper. So when I started weight watchers a week ago I promised myself that I would not be so mean to me and if I slipped up and ate bad well that happened and deal with it and move on. and you know what?? it hasn't worked!! I think I'm even harder on myself now because I have to record it and actually type it out and that makes me feel even worse!! but thats the whole point of recording everything you eat, you are more conscious of what you put in your mouth. So I have 2 goals for the near future...1. eat better so I don't have the "type" of shame and 2. STOP BEING SO HARD ON MY SELF!!! now these are just my immediate future goals and I don't know if I am ready to type out all my goals, I think that not only would it take all afternoon but I don't think I'm quite ready to face some of them. I'm only talking about goals within myself...not financial goals (I have those too!) but goals to either change or improve myself. Maybe they are more like  fears then goals. or is that the same thing?? If you aren't afraid of it then you wouldn't have to set a goal to achieve it right??

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